Are you paying too much tax?
Call us now to find out!
0207 018 0230
M: 07903 501 669
www.abtaxconsultants.comA&B Tax Consultants offer a bespoke tax
compliance & tax planning service to individuals
and businesses to help reduce their exposure to
tax and simplify compliance.
We deal with all areas of taxation including,
Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Corporation Tax,
Inheritance Tax, VAT and more.
Our services include but are not limited to:
Registration for Self-Employment
Self-Assessment Tax Returns
Partnership Tax Returns
Trusts & Estate Tax Returns
VAT Registration and Returns
Corporation Tax Planning
Inheritance Tax & Estate Planning
Residency and Domicile issues
Implementing tax efficient structures for
start-up businesses
Here at A&B Tax Consultants we offer a free one hour tax health check to review your circumstances and
ensure that you are paying the correct amount of tax.
You may have overpaid tax for various reasons for example:
your employer was using the wrong tax code
you were only employed for part of the year
your circumstances changed – for example you changed from full to part-time working or became
you received payments after leaving such as arrears of pay, payments in lieu of notice, unpaid
holiday pay, redundancy or termination payments including compensation for loss of office or
Contact us now for your free tax health check!