07804 693122
01372 809691E:
soraya.anderson@ntlworld.com www.soraya.teamfortune6000.comSkype- soraya.anderson
Twitter- SorayaAnderson
Viral Angels –“Extraordinary finance opportunities for the small-
scale investor”
Head office in Stockholm and founded in June 2012
Business operations in 17 countries
Members in +70 countries
Membership by invitation only
What is Viral Angels?
A private members equity club
A unique opportunity to be a shareholder in a number of
selected companies
A serious and exciting way to enhance your savings
What does Viral Angels do?
Evaluates and selects companies with potential
Takes a strong share holding position
Creates an action plan and sees it through to completion
increases the number of shareholders/assists with
mergers and acquisition
raises capital and assists in marketing
prepares for the Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Viral Angels stock holdings are distributed as follows|:
20% retained by Viral Angels / 80% is allocated to the
Viral Angels’ personnel has experience in a large amount of listings on
markets such as:
AIM & Plus Markets (London)
Deutsche Borse (Frankfurt, Berlin & Stuttgart)
Aktietorget & NGM (Stockholm)
NASDAQ (New York)
Membership Levels
€89 - €990 per month